Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth:   8. September 1950

Nationality:      Swiss

Civil Status:     Married

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1957-1962:  Primary school in Aarau, Switzerland.
1962-1966:  Secondary school in Aarau.
1966-1969:  High School (Kantonsschule) in Aarau.
1969:           Matura Typus C.

1969-1973: Studies in natural sciences at the ETH (Swiss Federal
                    Institute of Technology) in Zürich.

Autumn 1973: Diploma (dipl. Natwiss. ETH), principal subject: biology;
                    subsidiary subject: physiology and behavioral biology.


1973-1976: Doctoral thesis at the Institute of Behavioral Science, ETH
                   in Zürich (Prof. Dr. med. K. Bättig). Thesis ETH Nr. 5870.
                   Psychopharmacological effects on exploratory behavior in
                   different rat strains.


Spring 1977: ETH-medal award for the doctoral thesis.


1977-1980: Post doctoral fellowship at the Institute of Behavioral
                   Science, ETH Zürich (Prof. Dr. med. K. Bättig). Projects:
                   1. Psychopharmacological effects (nicotine, amphetamine
                       and alpha-methyl-tyrosine) on exploratory behavior in
                       different rat strains.
                   2. Psychophysiology and learning tests in humans.

1980-1983: Post doctoral fellowship at in the Institute of Toxicology,
                   ETH and Uni Zürich in Schwerzenbach (Prof. Dr. med. G.
                   Zbinden). ETH-project "physiological surveying in
                   toxicology" (electrocardiography by telemetry during
                   behavioral testing in rats).

1983: Assistance at the Institute of Toxicology, ETH and the Uni ZH
                   (Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Schlatter). Trace analysis of heavy
                    metals (atomic absorption spectrophotometry).
                    Literature surveys on:
                   - Health effects of passive smoking (October 1983),
                   - Coffee / caffeine and blood lipids (December 1983),
                   - Methylxanthines and benign breast disease (September

1984: Assistance at the University Hospital of Zürich, Department of
                   Gynecology, Clinic of Obstetrics, Perinatalphysiology lab
                   (Prof. R. Huch). Projects:
                   - (Passive-)smoking during pregnancy,
                   - Serum lactate levels during delivery,
                   - Cadmium levels in amnion fluid and placenta,
                   - Computer assisted recording of case history.

1984-1987: Member of the working group "Minimum Ventilation Rates"
                   of the International Energy Agency. Delegate of the Institute
                   of Hygiene and Applied Physiology, ETH in Zürich. Main
                   topic: Health effects of passive smoking.

1984-1991: Toxicologist at the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH),
                   Division of Food Science, Switzerland. Main area: Toxicity
                   and risk assessment of natural toxins (inherent food-plant
                   toxins, mycotoxins), contaminants, veterinary drug residues.
1991-2012: Head of the Nutritional and Toxicological Risks Section
at the FOPH, Food Safety Division, Switzerland. According
                   to the Swiss legislation, the Nutritional and Toxicological
                   Risks Section has to perform risk assessments and
                   evaluations in the area of diet and nutrition as well as of
                   different potentially toxic compounds, which include: 
                   - Natural toxicants,
                   - Contaminants in food and drinking water (environmental
                      pollutants, mycotoxins),
                   - Residues of veterinary drugs and pesticides,
                   - Food additives and food contact materials,
                   - Cosmetics,
                   - Toxicological evaluation of novel foods.

                   Own research mainly on natural toxicants (inherent
                   food-plant toxins, mycotoxins) and contaminants.

30.11.2004: Werder medal award 2004 for ground-braking
                    toxicological expertise and advancement of food safety in
                    Switzerland and Europe.


1.10.2012: Retirement from the Federal Office of Public Health,


1982-1998: Lectureship at the teachers' training college of the Canton
                   Zürich (physiology / nutrition / neurobiology).

1994-2005: Lectureship at the ETH Zürich, „Extrapolation in Toxicology“
                   (ETH-No 03-618).


1995-2005: Lectureship at ETH Zürich, „Environment and Human
                   Health“ (ETH-No 03-664).


Teaching / organising block courses in food toxicology (basic courses for candidates to get registered in the Swiss Registry of Toxicologists and candidates for the diploma as Federal Food Chemist).

27.11.–7.12.2006: "Training on risk assessment of chemicals with no reference health standard" for the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, on behalf of the WHO. Purpose of the mission:

  1. To develop expertise in terms of knowledge on margin of exposure and potency estimates and their interpretation.
  2. To develop expertise in terms of practical skills to conduct chemical risk assessment using margin of exposure and potency estimates with case studies.
  3. To provide an understanding of probabilistic techniques in chemical risk assessment.

2012 and 2017: Master in Advanced StudiesFood Safety Management, Module Risk Analysis: Chemical Hazard Identification and Characterisation and Case studies.


  • 1994-2010: Senate Commission on Food Safety of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
  • 1995-2010: Chairperson of the working group on contaminants of the DFG Senate Commission on Food Safety.
  • 1998-2000: TSE/BSE ad-hoc group of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of the European Commission.
  • 1998: Scientific Committee on Food Safety, International Life Science Institute (ILSI Europe). 1999 election as Chair person.
  • 1999-2010: Scientific Advisory Committee ILSI Europe.
  • 1999: Commission “novel food” of the German BGVV (Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin).
  • 1999-2003: Working group “Additives” of the EU Scientific Committee on Food (SCF).
  • 1999-2003: Working group “Contaminants” of the SCF.
  • 2000-2003: Working group “Novel food” of the SCF.
  • 2000-2003: Member of the Scientific Committee on Food, European Commission.
  • 2001-2003: Working group “Food Contact Material” of the SCF.
  • Temporary advisor at the 51., 53. and 57. Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on food additives (JECFA).
  • Member of the 56., 61., 63., 64,. 65., 67., 68., 69., 71., 72., 73., 74., 76., 77., 79., 80., 82., 84., 86., 87., 89., 90., 91., 92., 93. 95. and 96.  Meeting of the JECFA.
  • Member of the FAO/WHO Consultation on Acrylamide in food (June 2002, Chairperson of the section Carcinogenicity).
  • Expert in parts of the Joint FAO/WHO Project to Update Principles and Methods for the Risk Assessment of Chemicals in Food.
  • 2017: Member of the core group on "Guidance on dose-response assessment and the application of benchmark dose approaches for human health risk assessment of chemicals in food" of the WHO Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses.
  • 2020: Member of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Tropane Alkaloids.
  • 2003-2012: Chair of the Scientific Panel on contaminants in the food chain of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
  • 2003-2024: Member of the EFSA Scientific Committee (see and several of its working groups.
  • 2008-2012: Member of the ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) Board of Trustees.
  • 2009-2018: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Food Information Council (EUFIC).
  • 2012-2013: Member of the EUROTOX 2013 Local Scientific Programme Committee.


  • Member of the U.S. Society of Toxicology (SOT).
  • Member of the Swiss Society of Toxicology (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Toxikologie).
  • Member of the Swiss Society of Food and Environmental Chemistry (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel- und Umweltchemie).
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